Wednesday 18 May 2016


Albert Namatjira 
                                                                 1902 - 1959

1902 :       born in  at Hermannsburg (Ntaria)

1903 :       got married 

1936 :      accompanied Battarbee as a cameleer

1944 :     was included in Who's Who in Australia

(1953) :    he was awarded queen Elizabeth II's coronation medal

(1954) :    presented to the Queen in Canberra

(1955) :    he was elected as a member of the Royal Art of new south weles

1949-50 :    refused a grazing licence

1951 :      prevented from building a house on land he bought at Alice Springs

1950s :      he lived independently of the mission in a fringe camp at Morris Soak on the 
                  outskirts of Alice Springs.

1957 :       he was  granted citizenship 

1958 :       he was charged and sentenced to six months imprisonment with labour

1959 :       he died  of hypertensive heart failure 

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